
A showcase for student composers at York College.

New Music / New / York is a collection of music by students in Dr. George Lam’s composition studio at York College.  All of the works featured on this website are original compositions that were written as part of the requirements of MUS 425: Composition.

Click on “Spring 2017” in the menu above to listen to the latest music by York College composers Daijha Rabalais, Gabriele Grassia, and Jonathan Rodriguez.

Want to write your own music?

Consider starting the music theory track with MUS 110: Fundamentals of Music Theory and MUS 223: Harmony.  Email Dr. Lam for more information about these courses.

Want to know more about the music program at York College?

We now offer a music major and two music minors.  Visit the Department of Performing and Fine Arts website to learn more about our department.